EdgeTX has to possibility to select a specific source and trim for the model throttle and allows for the following configuration options:
Reverse: When enabled, this option reverses the output direction of the configured throttle channel.
Source: The source that will be used for the throttle.
Trim idle only: When enabled, the throttle trim will only affect the bottom portion of the throttle band.
For example, with Trim idle only enabled, the throttle stick at the lowest point might have a value of -80 and the center point will still be 0 and the highest point of 100. Without this enabled, the throttle stick at the lowest point might have a value of -80 however, the center point will be 20 and the highest point of 100.
Trim switch: The trim switch that will be used to trim the throttle. It is possible to substitute the throttle trim switch with the aileron, rudder, or elevator trim switches.