Contribute to the User Manual

How to contribute

  1. Go to our github repositiory, located here:

  2. For small changes to the user manual or correction or addition to a how-to page, please create a new issue in Github and explain in detail what you think needs to be changed and how.

  3. To submit new How-to articles, please prepare your article in either MS word or Google Doc format. For consistency, please use screenshots from the EdgeTX simulator for pictures. Picture resolution should be 480 x 272 pixels if possible. Submit your article as an issue with the proposed article attached. From there it will be reviewed and once accepted, added to the knowledge base by one of the Editors. If you would like to work on one of the requested How-to articles from the issues list, please make a comment in the issue that you are working on it so that nobody else does as well. Once complete, attach your work to the issue for review.

  4. To make a recommendation for a future How-to article, please make an issue via Github.


If you would like to contribute a translated version of the user manual, please create an issue in the EdgeTX/edgetx-user-manual respository and attach the translated manual (in .pdf format) to it. Alternately, you can create your own gitbook account, clone the english manual on your account and translate it. If you choose this way, you can simply attach the Gitbook link to the issue.
